category : old photos

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hugsI guess this is pretty much how a three or four year old handles their baby sibling – with a fair amount of care and affection, but mainly as though they are playing with a great big teddy.

my bruvva

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my bruvvaThere’s me looking once again like I’ve recently been crying my eyes out, and James looking like butter wouldn’t melt…

Perhaps the two were connected…?

you need wheels

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wheelsLooking very pleased in my new motor. Nice fringe too.

pat my dog

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pat my dogOn the back of this photo is written “Pat” and “My Dog” – which suggests that the dog was called Pat. But it could also be the owner was called Pat and this was his (or her) dog. Or alternatively, it’s just a simple instruction to literally ‘pat my dog’. We will never know.

the youth of today (then)

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young persons functionMum and Dad attending some kind of function for young persons.

two boys with shrubbery

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isabella plantation maybeMe and James looking very smart next to some colourful shrubs. I’m guessing this is the Isabella Plantation in Richmond Park. (more…)

michael on the beach

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baby mike on the beachThat’s me on the beach. Probably with a light coating of factor 3 sunscreen. If at all.

straw hats

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straw hatsA nice long walk on a hot summer’s day wearing rough woollen shorts and a straw trilby. What more could a young boy want?

rabbit squeezing

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rabbit squeezingThe now infamous shot of me holding my rabbit a little bit tight so his eyes went all bulgy.

The rabbit was called ‘Blackie’, which come to think of it doesn’t make a huge amount of sense.

fishing and jam jars

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fishing and jam jarsWithout doubt, the absolute cutest I have ever looked in my life. Frankly it was downhill from here. (more…)

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